Why Entrepreneurs Are Looking Towards Latin America for Nearshoring Opportunities
Latin America is proving itself to be ideal for investment. BY STEVE TAPLIN • JAN 11, 2022 Taken from: https://www.entrepreneur.com/science-technology/why-entrepreneurs-are-looking towards-latin-america-for/402693 Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Typically, the primary reason firms consider nearshore outsourcing is cost-effectiveness. A Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey in 2020 found that 87% of IT businesses considered nearshore outsourcing to cut […]
Discover what active consideration is and how you can approach it in your business!

Going through the Customer Journey your customer will land on the active consideration phase, which is when you are going to appreciate the customer’s attention to your services, and walk them through this phase until the next one which will be the Purchase process…
Passive Consideration: A crucial step to bring your potential customers…

In the different stages of the customer journey, we have one of them that although it is not so often mentioned, is crucial for a customer’s decision in the purchasing process. This stage is known as Passive Consideration, and it is the one where the customer is already aware that he has an unresolved need and takes certain actions to satisfy it.
Generate Awareness of your products or services and transform your leads…

The customer journey is divided into different stages that together, if well-formed, create a harmonious journey for customers towards your brand. The first stage of this journey is known as Awareness.
Conversion Rates: What they are and how optimize them

If you’re running a business, then you know that tracking your conversion rate is essential to determining the success of your marketing efforts. But what is a conversion rate, and why is it so important?